Monday, April 13, 2009

3.1: Today?


That's what happens when you post on your blog before reading up after coming home from work.

Thanks Grodus


With only a little time to go, the suspense is thick. Will the patch hit?

My guess, no. I can see the current arena season ending tomorrow, then the one week break and then maybe next week everything starting again. What does this mean for those of us who RP and AH? For the RP folks, the Ulduar parties will have to wait. The AH jackals will have another week to prepare and things will be ok after that.

So if we have another week to prepare, how will you be RPing in the next patch?



  2. Yep... just saw the blue post.


  3. So, I was rather stunned that the auctions I posted pre-patch were all snatched up and I was around a hundred gold richer on my jewelcrafter (a former shaman of the trolls who carves intricate gems and figurines when he's bored) when the server finally came live again.

    Of everything that I had posted, only one didn't sell, and in a way I suspect it was due to the server being down as long as it was. I also found that the glyphs I had dropped on to auction because I didn't want to keep them in my bank anymore got snatched up. Seems a lot of mages are suddenly wanting to dual-spec into frost...

  4. PvP+PvE utility is very nice for most classes.

    I need to get a new post up for this week. I'll be working on it tonight.
